Pictures of my quaint little town, taken with Nokia N-97 - 5 mpx and Nokia N-70 - 2 mpx mobile cam.
Karwar is the Head-Quarter of North Kanara district in Karnataka state, India, on the shores of the Arabian Sea. Surrounded by Western Ghat (mountains) on the East and South, the River Kali to the North, and the Arabian Sea, which comprises a chain of Islands.
Sprinkle, squish between my toes, The smell of ocean to my nose. I can feel each grain of sand, It falls from air into my hand. The shells I find along the shore, Picked up by birds that fly and soar. They sparkle like the ocean's waves, And carry sand from all the lakes. I walk along the tip of the sea, That’s where my feet leave prints to be. I walk all the way to the end of the land, The land that holds this beautiful sand.
This is where the River Kali meets the Arabian Sea, called the Kali Sangam (Confluence). The waters may seem still, but underneath strong and dangerous currents lurk.. The River Kali is as benevolent, as it is fierce... More posts about River Kali in this Blog are here, here, here, here, and here.
This is a poem by Swamiji, written in Kashmir, on a houseboat on Dal Lake. After visiting the Kshir Bhavani Temple, he returned, in ecstasy, to the boat and wrote this.
Heritage stone - Veeragallu at Mudgeri village, Karwar
Veeragallu is a stone carving that narrates a heroic death of a warrior in a battle. Veerakallu or herostones are stone engravings and sculptures of figures and weapons belonging to the heroes of days gone by. Veeragallu usually has only two images. The bottom image is a war scene glorifying the fight. The top image shows the warrior with God. The tradition of Mastikallu and Veergallu is very own to Karnataka and not found else where (at least in this format).
Between the Karwar - Aligadda (Baithkol) beach and this beach at Mudga - Amdalli, all beaches are under the possession/use of the Indian Navy. All along the coast the Mountains flirt with the Sea, which are a beautiful sight in themselves. This beach is a sample, or signifies what we lost when Indian Navy occupied the rest of the 22km stretch of the coast.
Here is a video which was shot during the Monsoons....
Every time you wake up and ask yourself, What good things am I going to do today?, remember that when the sun goes down at sunset, it will take a part of your life with it.
A moment, and its glory was no more. The sun went down beneath the long dark lines of hill and cloud which piled up in the west an airy city, wall heaped on wall, and battlement on battlement; the light was all withdrawn; the shining church turned cold and dark; the stream forgot to smile; the birds were silent; and the gloom of winter dwelt on everything. - Charles Dickens
The grand show is eternal. It is always sunrise somewhere; the dew is never dried all at once; a shower is forever falling; vapor is ever rising. Eternal sunrise, eternal dawn and gloaming, on sea and continents and islands, each in its turn, as the round. ~ John Muir
The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen a bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do. ~Galileo
Chandavar once a big city, is said to have been built by a Muslim King Sarpan Malik (apparently Sherif-ul-Mulka General of Bijapur Kingdom). The city declined during the later part of 17thcentury. St. Francis Xavier Church is a largeRoman Catholic Church is held in great veneration by local populace of all communities.
The original church of St. Francis Xavier is recorded to have been built in 1678 during the reign of Basappa Nayak of Keladi Nayak dynasty. The church was destroyed in the end of 18th century which is attributed to Tippu Sultan, and was rebuilt in 1801. The church was rebuilt a second time in 1874. The old church, though an imposing edifice was judged to be beyondnormal repairs, and so a new church was built in the area adjacent to the old church.
Church of Sao Francissco Xavier of Chandavar at Kumta
I thought that my
voyage had come to its end
at the last limit of my power,---that the path before me was closed,
that provisions were exhausted
and the time come to take shelter in a silent obscurity.
But I find that thy will knows no end in me.
And when old words die out on the tongue,
new melodies break forth from the heart;
and where the old tracks are lost,
new country is revealed with its wonders.
Karwar port is one of the main ports of Karnataka, serving the hinterland of northern Karnataka, Goa and southern Maharastra, with a total length of 355 meters. The quay has two berths with a draft capacity of 9.25 meters each for berthing of deep ocean going ships. It is maintained and operated by the Government of Karnataka with all necessary facilities. The Government of Karnataka has a proposal to develop Karwar port on Public Private Partnership (PPP) basis for 6 additional berths, a container port terminal, and a rail link from Karwar port to Shirwad railway station for transport of cargo by railway wagons. The port has been declared by Government of India as handling all types of commodities, including "B" and "C" classes of petroleum products.
Karwar port also has arrangements for berthing of coastal vessels. A fishing jetty is attached to the port which is used to berth fishing boats. Karwar port plays a major role in the sea trade, fishing and maritime services of the nation.
Karwar Port is also the headquarters for the Department of Ports & Inland Waterways, Government of Karnataka. This department is headed by a Principal Director who is in charge for all maritime and inland waterway activities of Karnataka state (excluding New Mangalore Port - being a major port, it is under Central Government control).
Lord Shiva represents the aspect of the Supreme Being (Brahman of the Upanishads) that continuously dissolves to recreate in the cyclic process of creation, preservation, dissolution and recreation of the universe.Lord Shiva is the Lord of mercy and compassion. He protects devotees from evil forces such as lust, greed, and anger. He grants boons, bestows grace and awakens wisdom in His devotees. The symbolism discussed below includes major symbols that are common to all pictures and images of Shiva venerated by Hindus. Since the tasks of Lord Shiva are numerous, He cannot be symbolized in one form. For this reason the images of Shiva vary significantly in their symbolism.
Here is one thoughtful saying by Guru Adi Sankaracharya about Lord Shiva.
"Forgive me Oh, Shiva My three great sins! I came on a pilgrimage to Kashi forgetting that, you are omnipresent. In thinking about you I forgot that, You are beyond thought. In praying to You I forgot that, You are beyond words."
National Highway 17, commonly referred to as NH 17, now renamed as NH 66, is a busy National Highway in India that runs roughly north-south along the western coast of India, parallel to western ghats. It connects Panvel, near Mumbai to Kochi, passing through the states ofMaharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, and Kerala. NH 17 is also known as Mumbai-Goa Highway in Maharashtra. It is the 7th longest highway in India with 1,296 km (805 mi).
Nobel Laureate Poet Ravindranath Tagore's 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated at Karwar beach on Saturday. Tagore had visited Karwar when he was 21 years old, while his elder brother worked as a district judge in Karwar.
Tagore was attracted by the beauty of Karwar beach and the nature of the area during his visit. Tagore then stayed with his brother in the judges' quarters.
There are references in his books that he was visiting Sadashivagad near Karwar by boat and also by walk and lunched with fishermen during the visit to their houses. In his book `Nature's Revenge,' he referred to Karwar and the natural beauty of the place. The District Administration hence named the beach after Tagore and his birth anniversary was celebrated at the beach.
In this picture - mountains (Western Ghats), coconut trees, paddy fields, cattle, clouds, water, greenery.....
Before and After Rain
The wind has exposed the light undersides of the leaves,
The sky darkens into a mass of ash and bluish grey,
The neem trees, all a-huddle, heave
And sway,
The unploughed fields, dry and parched with pain,
Eagerly await the first reviving flush of rain.
The arid landscape, languishing and about to die,
Weeks later looks refreshingly alive.
Fields covered with saplings moist and green
Present a healing scene.
In the ditch where gurgling waters flow
Reposes a tranquil milch-buffalo.
For him who struck thy foreign string, I ween this heart has ceased to care; Then why dost thou such feelings bring To my sad spirit--old Guitar?
It is as if the warm sunlight In some deep glen should lingering stay, When clouds of storm, or shades of night, Have wrapt the parent orb away.
It is as if the glassy brook Should image still its willows fair, Though years ago the woodman's stroke Laid low in dust their Dryad-hair.
Even so, Guitar, thy magic tone Hath moved the tear and waked the sigh: Hath bid the ancient torrent moan, Although its very source is dry.
- Emily Bronte.
The fruit is called a variety of names around the world, such as "Mít" in Vietnamese. The common English name jackfruit is a name used by the physician and naturalist Garcia de Orta in his 1563 book Colóquios dos simples e drogas da India.
A botanist, Ralph Randles Stewart suggests that it was named after William Jack (1795–1822), a Scottish botanist who worked for the East India Company in Bengal, Sumatra and Malaysia. This is unlikely, as the fruit was called a "Jack" in English before William Jack was born: for instance, in Dampier's 1699 book,A new voyage round the world. Source - Wikipedia.
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Jackfruit
Being rich in potassium, jackfruit has been found to be helpful in the lowering of blood pressure.
The extract of Jackfruit root is believed to help cure fever as well as diarrhea.
Jackfruit contains phytonutrients, with health benefits ranging from anti-cancer to antihypertensive.
The root of this fruit has been found to be beneficial for those suffering from asthma.
Jackfruit proves to be a very good source of vitamin C, which is known for its high antioxidant properties.
The fruit contains isoflavones, antioxidants, and phytonutrients, all of which are credited for their cancer-fighting properties.
Jackfruit is known to contain anti-ulcer properties and is also good for those suffering from indigestion.
Boasting of anti-ageing properties, the fruit can help slow down the degeneration of cells and make the skin look young and supple.
Jackfruit serves as a good supply of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, for the human body.
It is believed that the fruit can help prevent and treat tension and nervousness.
Since it contains few calories and a very small amount of fat, jackfruit is good for those trying to lose weight.
If you are suffering from constipation, regular consumption of the fruit will surely prove beneficial.
The root of jackfruit is said to be good for the treatment of a number of skin problems.
Its like God, the Almighty, is Blessing Karwar with His special Gift of Nature, which is so much plentiful, all the year round, and yes including the heat and humidity..... Happy Summer !!
"Suggi" referred to the Harvest Festival is bieng celebrated now, and culminates on the full-moon night of Holi (Festival of Colours), and if you have passed through Ankola you just cant afford to miss this.
Suggi is meant for appeasing the Gods for a better Crop on the next year, and also to show their gratitude for the Harvest that they have got in the present year. The men who adorn with the colourful headgear stay away from their homes for a week, dancing before each and every house, taking a fistful of rice from each house, and cooking and eating food in the fields, or under the trees, etc.
Suggi will reach its peak on the last day of the week, on the night when Holi fire is let in the villages. On that day the Suggi performers of Ankola assemble at the Tahasildaar - Magistrate's office at Ankola, and perform for about a hour, and receive the Government Honours from the Magistrate. This is a customary practice said to have started from the time of the British Rule in India.
It is said that "Suggi" is a very ancient tradition carried on since generations by the farmers, of different communities, to appease the Gods to eradicate poverty, keep away diseases, bring rains, and plentiful harvest for the next season, and as a gratitude for the earlier harvest.
It is said that during the British Rule, it is said that a Colonial Officer was passing by on his horse, when he came across this group of Suggi performers, engaged in their customary dance. And he insulted them saying its a useless pagan practice or whatever.
The Chief of the Suggi group is said to have called upon the Gods, saying "if Suggi is not a blind-belief and a pagan practice, prove it to the officer".
At that moment it is said that the officer's horse froze on the spot and stood still, and the officer had no choice but to accord due importance and recognition to Suggi or else get off his frozen-horse and walk through the crowd of the "Lowly" pagan people. And being the top-most Gora Officer of the local administration, walking through the common folk was ruled out.
Therefore, he accorded Official Governmental recognition to the Suggi practice, and his horse came to life, and the victorious Suggi performers followed the officer to his Office, where they performed till sunset.
This practice continues till today at the Taluka (Provincial) Magistrate's office.