Pictures of my quaint little town, taken with Nokia N-97 - 5 mpx and Nokia N-70 - 2 mpx mobile cam. Karwar is the Head-Quarter of North Kanara district in Karnataka state, India, on the shores of the Arabian Sea. Surrounded by Western Ghat (mountains) on the East and South, the River Kali to the North, and the Arabian Sea, which comprises a chain of Islands.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Goin Green !!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Stone Hooves - Soldier and Horse's Feet
This is a very Late Entry for the June Month's Theme - FEET, on City Daily Photo portal... Click here to view thumbnails for all participants...
The picture is in a village in Karwar, where stone/earthen/wooden images of "Soldier on a Horse" are offered by women Praying for the safe return of their men from a battle; and now the custom continues in the form of earthern images being offered, for the safe return of their men from abroad, where they go for seeking employment.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Introducing.... Mr. Snail !!
The word snail is a common name for almost all members of the molluscan class Gastropoda that have coiled shells in the adult stage. When the word snail is used in a general sense, it includes sea snails, land snails and freshwater snails.
Snails lacking a shell or having only a very small one are usually called slugs. Snails that have a broadly conical shell that is not coiled or appears not to be coiled are usually known as limpets.
The class Gastropoda (the snails and slugs) is second only to insects in terms of total number of species. Snails are extraordinarily diverse in habitat, form, behavior, and anatomy. Therefore, what is true of one snail species may not be true of another.
Snails can be found in a wide range of environments from ditches, deserts, and the abyssal depths of the sea. Although most people are familiar with terrestrial snails, land snails are in the minority. Marine snails have much greater diversity and a greater biomass. The great majority of snail species are marine. Numerous kinds can be found in fresh water and even brackish water. Many snails are herbivorous, though a few land species and many marine species are omnivores or predatory carnivores.
Snails that respire using a lung belong to the group Pulmonata, while those with gills form a paraphyletic group, in other words, snails with gills are divided into a number of taxonomic groups that are not very closely related. Snails with lungs and with gills have diversified widely enough over geological time that a few species with gills can be found on land, numerous species with a lung can be found in freshwater, and a few species with a lung can be found in the sea.
Friday, June 19, 2009
A Monsoon Flower in Full Bloom
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Day Break at Karwar Beach
On the tidal mud, just before sunset,
dozens of starfishes
were creeping. It was
as though the mud were a sky
and enormous, imperfect stars
moved across it as slowly
as the actual stars cross heaven.
All at once they stopped,
and, as if they had simply
increased their receptivity
to gravity, they sank down
into the mud, faded down
into it and lay still, and by the time
pink of sunset broke across them
they were as invisible
as the true stars at daybreak.
Monday, June 15, 2009
a ZEN sunset
Only the idea of self remains
Floating on a sea of cells;
Only heartbeats short of eternity
In breath after breath we dwell.
- Mike Garofalo, Above the Fog
Sunday, June 14, 2009
The Enchanted Forest
Saturday, June 13, 2009
A Haiku Sunset
glow worms invade the garden,
joy in slow motion
sea of sensuous silk, surrounds
daily morning angst
in crowded elevators
to the top story.
Soft soothing ice cream
absorbs melting emotions,
like a trusted friend.
cajole monsoon clouds shower
mercy on parched earth.
Lark’s spring twitter tweet
torments lonely shy Raven,
memory bitter sweet
wind, leaves dance in a circle.
Hush contemplation
by the Fall spirit, crisp leaves
stagger to the ground.
Source - Here
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Red Lily

Wet with the soft rain-kisses of the night,
In which the brown bee buries deep its head,
When still the dawn's a silver sea of light.
Your lips betray the secret of your soul,
The dark delicious essence that is you,
A mystery of life, the flaming goal
I seek through mazy pathways strange and new.
Your lips are the red symbol of a dream,
What visions of warm lilies they impart,
That line the green bank of a fair blue stream,
With butterflies and bees close to each heart!
Brown bees that murmur sounds of music rare,
That softly fall upon the langourous breeze,
Wafting them gently on the quiet air
Among untended avenues of trees.
O were I hovering, a bee, to probe
Deep down within your scented heart, fair flower,
Enfolded by your soft vermilion robe,
Amorous of sweets, for but one perfect hour!
Monday, June 8, 2009
This way to Heaven....
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Palms' Silhouette

Silhouette of Palm Trees
A silhouette is a view of an object or scene consisting of the outline and a featureless interior, with the silhouetted object usually being black.
Silhouette of my soul
John Doe
This picture was taken at Kadwad village, from the Paddy fields, just after the sunset. It did rain a bit after a few seconds of clicking this picture. The location was the venue for the yearly feast of a local diety, and the whole village was taking part in the festivities.
I didnt know the picture would turn out like this, and God knows what else can a Nokia N-70 mobile-cam can do...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Visitors from Heaven.... - a dialogue with clouds

take me with you
on your laughing flights of fancy
set me on your shoulders to share your joy
fanciful daydreamer
we are water-bearers
driven by the whims of winds half mad
crossing borders clandestine in the night
"sans papiers"
burden bearers unthanked
and marshmallow castles
to dwell in your canyons of cotton and wool
though our illusions reach to the limits of the heights
our castles are mists
our canyons but breezes
our mountains are what you breathe
wipe the sleep from your eyes dreamer
as the world floats by below
let me see
as you do the dreaming seasides from above
let me watch
as you do the yawning prairies roll
-to see the weeping of the unconsoled
and make you spill as we do tears of empathy upon mankind
-to see the earth ravaged and robbed bereaved of her children
then in a flash of light you would awaken and thunder as we do
we the ragged vagabonds of the sky
Source - http://allpoetry.com/poem/5372303
Poet Profile - http://allpoetry.com/DogFish
This picture is also for Skywatch Friday, could'nt figure out the Html script to paste in this post, though....
The location is Kali River, at Kodibag side in Karwar, and the picture was shot from the Kali Bridge.....
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Clouds Silver Lined....