The words "Happy, Joyous, Ecstatic, Euphoric, Overwhelmed, Excited" were too inadequate to express my feelings... I could'nt anything but Count the number of Comments, Number of Followers that shot up to 175 from a mere 14 in the preceding week, and was content in expressing my Gratitude to the Comments, reciprocate to the support of my Followers, send Mails to all my friends, and gaze at my Blog page for hours together....
My Life as a Blogger changed after the 29th of May 2009, Thanks to the Google Blogs Team at Blogs of Note, and the Recognition, Support, Appreciation, Blog Followers, consequent to my Blog being featured on the Blogs of Note page....
Then on the 31st of May 2009, I saw this Page at Blog-Bee, with Words of Appreciation of my Blog.... But nothing beats the feeling that I experienced on seeing my Blog in the Blogs of Note, and I can say that I attained the Blogger Nirvana......
True, Blogging also has a Silver Lining......
Thanks to All !!
Textures by clouds are so nice....
Great photo!
Congratulations! : )
Great shot!Congratulations on becoming a Blogger of note!
nice picture
maybe you have some more
Great picture! I enjoyed my visit
I love the pic!
Congrats on being a blog of note.
I'm a starving college student trying to get some hits on my blog to try and pay for some food during the summer.
If you're reading this, could you pop over to my blog:
and click on an ad or two? I might just be able to make enough money to stay fed till August.
Congrats again!
Hey! I followed that little Blogs of Note to get here.
I'm kinda doing the same thing, but I have to say that your pictures are amazing. India looks like a great place to visit.
I was skimming through Blogs of Note and found your blog. You've posted wonderful images, and how awesome is it that they were captured by a Nokia? :)
Take care, and congratulations!
Thanks Dee..
And yeah the images were shot with the Nokia N-70 2 meg pix cam-mobile... :-)
A nice shot! I like the cloud. Thanks.
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