Children are like kites.
You run with them until you are breathless.
They crash – you add a longer tail,
they hit the roof-top – you pluck them from spouts.
You patch and comfort, adjust and teach.
You watch them lifted by the wind
and assure them some day they’ll fly.
Finally they’re airborne
but they need more string
so you keep letting it out.
With each twist of the twine there’s
sadness and joy because the kite
becomes more distant and
you know it won’t be long before
it will snap the fine line
that has bound you together,
soar as it was meant to soar… independently free.
I always thought children are like kites-they like to fly on unchartered paths, but at the same time do not want their parents to let go of the string!!
Beautiful picture. You have to be a very good photographer.
i can see the expression face the boy
Kite flying is such fun. I think we all have a bit of child in us :)
what a wonderful poem and so true love the idea of your blog Rebecca
Now I want a kite! I guess I'll wait until my daughter gets a bit older. 6 weeks is too young I think :)
Yogesh - congratulations on becoming a 'Blog of Note' on Blogger!!
Yet another CDP makes it, here's to many many more days of clicking away!
Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !! Thanks !!
I am over-whelmed !!!
It reminds me when I was kid. Wonderful memory.
Great blog.....congratulations.
Congratulations on the achievement of being listed on "Blogs of Note"
A very nice blog! Good one.
Nice +
very nice pic..,remind me bout my childhood...
You have a very nice blog! I follwed! Thanks for sharing the pictures. The picture of the kite reminds me of how we tried to make and fly one during my childhood days. :)
Muito legal esse blog tem fotos muito boas.
Você é da India é isso?
Aqui no Brasil está sendo exibida uma telenovela sobre a india.
Essa foto me lembra o livro O Cassador de Pipas que nos faz lembrar daquela história.
Você tira fotos com um Nokia N-70 né?
Eu tiro minhas fotos com um Sony Ericsson W580i que tem camera de 2MP também.
Just stopping by from the "Blog of Note" on Blogger! Congratulations!
Reminding me of my childhood. Kites were real fun, no video games could match.
Check out my brandspanking new blog www.saannys.blogspot.com
writing about my life, cool gadgets and software!
Check out my brandspanking new blog www.saannys.blogspot.com
writing about my life, cool gadgets and software!
i like kite but now when the age was increase and the space was reduce i only can only tell to my daughter only
Great photos and a great look at your town. Thanks for your sharing a glimpse of your life with us.
Bill Hetland, Kenosha, Wisconsin USA
You have a great blog!! Keep it up:)
Congratulations on being selected as a blog of note!
I've added your blog to Google reader.
salam kenal dari kami blogger pemula
your blog is ok...please visit to my blog
what my blog is ok too
salam kenal dari kami blogger pemula
your blog is ok...please visit to my blog
what my blog is ok too
Feeling on the Top of the World....
Thanks to all my Fellow-Bloggers for all the Comments and the Recognition !!!
hey congrats sir on becoming bologger of note,Me too from karwar so kproud of you :). one request choose some other template this one is bit messy.keep up the good work
please add my.
***thank you.***
Sweet dream.
Very nice blog! I have been to Karwar once and i really loved the natural beauty. Can you post some pics of the harbor?
A Kite is one of my favourite poems. Thank you.
This is a great blog congratulations, on being selected for Blog of Note.
Every picture has a message to convey very TRUE. Great imagination,judicious photography and exemplary write up and hey!three cheers to you for being featured in "Blogs of Note". Congratulations Yogesh, keep the good work.
Well done on the "blog of note" award.... deserved it seems...
there's always a childish side of everyone, nice picture..remind me to my childhood..when everything seem in peace..
Cool blog and photos.. Thank you ..
Yogesh, very good poem.
BTW, I am in Missouri, USA. Originally from Kerala, but went to school in AEC, Bhatkal. So yes, intimately familiar with Murdeshwar, Karwar, etc.
Quite a surprise to see this blog. Good work.
wow i love this.
you should read my blog as well. I have somewhat of the same idea, but I take pictures of my life.
beautiful poem..its got a lot of soul in it!!!
Came from the Blogger home page. Nice pictures. Congratulations!
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