Prof V N Naik of Marine Biology Department, Karnatak University informed the Forest Department about the whale.
The efforts of Gopashitta Range Forest Officer K D Naik to lift the 3-tonne whale from water, using ropes went in vain. The carcass was later extricated using a JCB during low tide, and buried in a 35 feet pit, after a post-mortem.
Professor V N Naik told Deccan Herald that a skeleton of a 40-foot long whale that was washed ashore in 1973 has been preserved in the University and the authorities concerned would be requested to donate the skeleton of Humpback whale to the science centre.

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Responding to my fellow Blogger J.C. - Yes I was one of the fortunate few people who saw the whale and took the Pictures. The sight left me with immense Grief.
I remember a few years back, we, the members of the Karavali Youth Adventure Club (KAYAC), Karwar, had found a Nine foot long Injured and Dead Porpoise - like Fish on the Tagore Beach at Karwar, durng the Monsoons. We had informed the local Fisheries Department and had later buried the mammal. It was like burying one of our own kind....
Very interesting but truly sad to see the death of the whale! An amazing sea creature!
We usually have a few whales beach themselves on Florida's shores every year. Often people from local marine institutions along with volunteers attempt to carry them out to sea, but it seems such attempts are frequently unsuccessful.
Poor creature! I believe some solution should be thought of to avoid such mishaps! I haven't seen a whale ever from so close!
- Pixellicious Photos
goodness i never saw a whale from such close quaters. it must have been an amazing sight. A sad death though.
Poor whale, I am against animal abuse, it is very cruel! The governments of countries should implement more animal protection laws, they say that generic viagra takes away the stress, so I'll take one because those pictures stressed me
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